>Live Wisely. Live Simply.

>I’m thinking of ways to have a “garage sale” in the middle of winter.  It’s a very limited thought but I want to get rid of my stuff…now.  Not only that but, I need to pay bills.  I’ve been so convicted lately of cutting down on my lifestyle, going back to cooking all my food, eating healthy, making things to do rather than paying for entertainment, creating rather than buying new clothes and accessories.  These are just a few small things I’m going to start when I get home.

Karma.  Well…”sewing seeds” in Christianese.  I really feel like we could be doing so much more for others than we do already.  If we put into action the things that Christ actually teaches then we would be living the fullest lives we could possibly imagine.  Now, I’m not saying to do good things because good things will happen to you.  I’m saying that there are consequences to good and bad living.  A life lived in love produces much love, whether evident now or in eternity.  A life full of hate or judgement leads to emptiness and loneliness.  It’s pretty simple.  Our decisions and actions affect everyone around us, especially the ones we love so why would we live in a way that would bring anyone down?  It’s something I just don’t get but yet do every day.  Showing love in every action is a discipline just as much as eating healthy and exercising…it’s something we need to work for and few are good at it right off the bat.
I want to be wise in each decision I make and each relationship I invest in.  Love and simplicity are what I strive for and am passionate about right now.  Something I’m learning about myself is that I need people to walk with in each passion and idea I have.  Not that I can’t or won’t do things on my own but they are so much more enjoyable when shared with others.  I’m so thankful for my friends and their hearts to live simply and in love.  What would I do without their dreams and passions to get excited about?  
Suggestion on living in love and simplicity: Read about Mother Teresa

Live a life full of action and love…could I stress the love point any more?haha  Yeah actually, love is so important I could never say it enough.  Love love love.  Ok now go live it! 

1 thought on “>Live Wisely. Live Simply.

  1. >this part hits home: "I really feel like we could be doing so much more for others than we do already. If we put into action the things that Christ actually teaches then we would be living the fullest lives we could possibly imagine." john 10:10.. I always missed to the part…"that they may have life, and have it to the full."I wholly agree, the message on sunday started out the same way "live simply" .. but ended up being "love". I want to exercise a life of loving people, and being around others. i don't want to live in a cave all alone, hiding and holding in this love that I have been so graciously given. I want to live fully and love people wholly.p.s. craigs list, e-day, etsy. 😉

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